I went all white for appliances, after cleaning my mother's stainless before Thanksgiving I vowed I would NOT get stainless with children....constantly cleaning those things! But, they are SO pretty.
The eat-in portion of the kitchen area (looking towards the front door entry hallway (to give you an idea of the layout, the kitchen is shaped like an "L". The nook is the horizontal part of the L and the cabinets and appliances are in a galley like fashion, or the vertical part of the L.
The current plan: Mikes dad, Grandad Larry is coming in about a week to help install the cabinets for us (if you've seen Jack in his rocking chair he got for Christmas, you know the man has skills). I think after tonight's staple removing party I have convinced the guys (John) to focus on the hall bathroom so we can get closer to our move in date. That's our house tonight, check back soon and have a VERY happy New Year!