Feeling morning sickness? Pregnant? Might as well tackle some outdoor yard work to fend off the yuckies. Several weeks ago, I removed the tanbark, black plastic and giant ivy roots from our flower bed area in front of the house {notice the unpainted fence in the background} Here is some follow up.

Bye, bye tanbark, hello planting area.

Bye, bye roots, hello blistered hands :)
This root was GIGANTIC! Who knew ivy roots grew so big?
And today, it looks like this. I still have to add more plants {lookin sparse} but haven't made time for that yet...maybe after the Buddy Walk planning is over.
Here is the pretty painted fence that John {and I} worked so hard on. It really adds a lot to the front yard area.

Love the added bonus of a fully fenced in, safe for kids play area too.

Here's what it looked like right before John painted it, and one below, of what it looked like the day we bought it.
It needed so much help! Thankfully, now it looks a whole lot better!

Thanks John, you're the best! It was tedious, and I know you hate painting fences, so THANK YOU!
Hates painting fences like Huck Finn, so gets his 5 and 8 year old buddies to do it for him! I think I can pick out the spots Jordan & Sawyer did... I feel so lucky I got to see it all in person, and got to see you three, I adore you and cherish you!