If you haven't noticed, I have rarely done posts on our poor, pathetic backyard. Well, there are several reasons for this, 1. There is SO much to do, we don't know where to start, 2. Our vision is a bit pricey, and 3. We love our front yard so much we just spend a lot of time out there. Well, I have had enough of the neglect. Even though I'm 22 weeks pregnant I can do some sprucing.
I found two kinds of plants that I love and noticed seem to do well in our neighborhood: lavender and siskiyou pink gaura. They love sun, so I lined a few of them along our fence to turn the barren landscape into something a bit more inviting.

Today they look more like this....again, patience, one day they will be beautiful.
With those 3 planted, I asked John to do the heavy lifting and get our beautiful, Passion Flower Vines planted along the fence. Easy enough right?
Not so easy, turns out. Our french drain pipe runs along the whole side fence. Doh! We wanted to plant these vines here to give us something pretty to look at, other than our neighbor's house, when standing at our kitchen sink or looking out our large kitchen window. Well, John came up with a great idea that allowed us to plant our vines.
After a solid 24 hours in the ground, this is how beautiful the flowers looked this morning.
Grow vines grow! I cannot wait to see how beautiful all our plants will be by next year. Happy planting!
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